Recent roles:


            ​                 ​​​​​​​​​​​​        Personal presentation Ulf Ström

​​Whilst starting out at sea already as a teenager, I got some years later a Sea Captain degree (Nautical Science) from the Stockholm Maritime Academy. The career in the Merchant Marine started thereafter out as deck officer on the trade between Latin America and Europe. For the last couple of years I have mainly been Captain on expedition vessels from the Arctics to the Tropics (ref Expeditions).

I am at present (August 2023), serving as Captain on the expedition vessel MV Polar Pioneer in the Arctics (ref Officer).

Being a sailor means also periods of free time in between the onboard assignments. A couple of years ago I got the coincidental opportunity to jump in as a suddenly needed Extra to support my wife Eva Louise in a role for a commercial film production. This led quickly to a number of other movie roles incl. four as a Captain (partly just because I had my own uniform).


Also, music has been an interest since childhood. I therefore often take the opportunity to perform as a musician when I get the chance.

​I have over the years been able to travel all over the World.  Many times to remote places which are difficult to reach by ordinary transport means. My motto have been "Don't be a tourist". Instead I have been trying to find the hidden nooks and corners – the really interesting places to visit. Some which are shared under the tab expeditions.


  • Travelling all over the World incl climbing the Longyear Glacier, Spitzbergen, canoeing up the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea, encountering Polar bears in the Arctics, living with Piaori Indians in the Amazonas and deep diving at the German Navy War Grave at Scapa Flow, Orkney Islands, etc.

  • Scuba Diving (PADI Adv. O/W) incl deep- and nightdiving

  • Water skiing
  • Sailing
  • Playing saxophone
  • Acting (movies and commercials)
  • Hunting

Also barbequing amongst friends ("If we are not 
supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?" (Homer Simpson). 

​I can also hit a golf ball (..but am not as sure of where it 
will end up). 




Personalia Ulf Ström

​​​Participator in 

TV4 "Survivor"

Short cuts

Sea Captain - Expedition Leader - Actor

Expeditions 2023



​​​Sea Captain, Expedition Leader and Actor might sound as an odd combination. However - this rather unique synthesis has proven to add value to the contracting Ship Owner or Movie Production in various of ways.