Medic Supply Ship m/s Ruach, Papua New Guinea



  Master Mariner (STCW Master Unlimited) with a Sea Captain degree from the Stockholm Maritime Academy in 1979. Have since then hold various officer postions on vessels up to 130.000 tdw in the Atlantic, Mediterranean, Pacific, Arctic, Antarctic, Caribbean and Latin American trades incl 19 Transatlantic crossings, four passages of Cape Horn and nine of the Panama Channel.

   Holding all relevant STCW certificates incl GOC GMDSS, ECDIS, CCM, SSO, BRM, STCW V 4.4 Polar Advanced, Antarctic IAATO and Pilot Exemption Certificate (PEC) for Spitsbergen and Svalbard. Thorough experience from yachts and expedition vessels incl. navigation in polar waters above latitude N80 and below S60. Swedish nationality (
ref log book)

   Documented ISPS and ISM skills incl. the production of Safety Management Procedures and Manuals for three shipping companies.

   Am a hands on and hardworking team player. Was recently voted as the Team Player of the Year in the Swedish TV version of  Survivor (Expedition Robinson) 2022 -
ref Survivor.

Solid management skills.  A representative appearance and an entrepreneurial mindset. Fluent in English (have been living 4 years in UK). Speak some German (6 years studies) and Spanish (have lived one year in Venezuela). .​​​​​​​​​​

For the last couple of years, I have mainly served as Captain and Chief Officer on Expedition vessels from the Arctics to the Tropics. At the time of writing (August 2023) I serve as Captain on the expedition vessel m/v Polar Pioneer.


Also experienced when it comes to onboard entertainment, being a semi-professional musician/saxophone player - ref Musician.


Master                          STCW II/2 Master Unlimited


Type                                                                      Exp. date

Antarctica IAATO                                                   Unlimited

ARPA                                                                     Unlimited

Basic STCW Training                                            27 Jan 2028

Bridge Resource Management (BRM)                  Unlimited

Crowd and Crisis Management (CCM)                  29 May 2028

ECDIS (Furuno & Transas specific)                       Unlimited

ENG1 Medical Certificate                                      10 Oct 2025

Engineer Officer Class VIII                                    Unlimited

Firefighting, Advanced                                           27 Jan 2028

GOC GMDSS                                                         01 Mar 2025

Medic Care                                                             02 Feb 2028

Medical First Aid                                                     Unlimited

Polar advanced, STCW V4.4                                 18 Jan 2028

Ship Security Officer (SSO)                                    Unlimited

Survival Crafts and Rescue Boats                          27 Jan 2028

Svalbard Pilot Exemption Cert (PEC)                     21 Jul 2027


Formal education: A Sea Captain Examination from the

  Maritime Academy of Stockholm
• Medical training: Medical First Aid STCW. He has also              carried
 out Medical Doctor Studies (Läkarlinjen/Medical

  Doctor Programme) at Karolinska Institutet /

  University Hospital, Stockholm, 1978-79)
• Familiarization: Many years experience from carrying out

  crew familiarization and safety training
Team player: Solid experience from working in knowledge- 

   based organizations and in tight teams
Diving/water sports: Experienced diver (PADI

  Advanced) and enthusiastic water-skier.
• Entertainer: Semiprofessional saxophone player

  ( ).


- Scuba Diving (PADI Adv. O/W) incl deep- and nightdiving​
- Saxophone player
- Acting (movies and commercials)
- Travelling all over the World incl climbing the Longyear Glacier, Spitzbergen, canoeing up the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea, have encountered Polar bears in the Arctic and lived with Piaori Indians in the Amazonas, been deep diving at the German Navy War Grave at Scapa Flow, Orkney Islands, etc.

I like to barbeque amongst friends ("If we are not 
supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?" - Homer Simpson).  Can also hit a golf ball (..but is not as sure of where it ends up). ​

Sea Captain


Expedition vessel MV Polar Pioneer in

​the Arctics




Expedition vessel m/y Togo, Arctics

Expedition vessel m/s Ulla Rinman, Arctics


​About Ulf Ström:




Missile Carrier HMS R142 Ystad


Hospital ship m/s Africa Mercy, W Africa